Here's a brief summary of what's on when at the Show.
8am Tents open for staging exhibits
10.30am All exhibits must be in place.
- - Marquee is closed. - -
10.45am Judging commences
2pm Show opens!!! £3 for adults, under 16s free.
Tents open to view all exhibits and prize winners - see Classes page if you want to enter.
Stalls open for tombola, skittles, coconut shy, etc
Teas open for hot drinks and cakes
3.00pm Dog Show
3.45pm Egg Throwing
4.30pm Prizegiving and Grand Raffle Draw
Times subject to change
Following the success of previous years, the Village Show will be again be holding a Fun Children’s Dog Show.
Kids please bring along your furry best friend if you would like to enter any of the following classes:
Wagiest Tail
Cutest Couple
Best Sausage Catcher
Judge's Favourite
Prizes to be awarded in each category from 1st– 3rd place!!
Judging will take place at the show ground arena at 3.00pm, please arrive shortly before to register.

Prepare to get messy!!
Adult and children (under 14) classes
£1 per pair to enter
Medals for winners in both classes
Start time 3.45pm @ the Show Ground Arena
Please arrive shortly before to register