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Here are some notes for class entrants to help ensure you meet the requirements of certain classes and also some tips - on how to present your exhibits.  There are separate notes for Horticultural and Culinary classes.



Once you enter one or more classes, the Show Secretary will complete an entry card for each class you enter.  This includes your name and a unique entrant number.  You need to bring your exhibits along on the morning of the Show when you will be given your entry card(s). The marquee will be open from 8am.  Put your exhibits in place (known as 'staging')  in the section marked with the class number.  Place your relevant entry card next to each exhibit with you name facing down - all exhibits are judged anonymously and winners recorded by their entrant number.  You must stage all exhibits and leave the marquee by 10.30am.  The stewards will be strict about this timing.  You can then go home, relax and have a light lunch before returning at 2pm (save room for one of the many delicious cakes on sale).  In the afternoon all cards will have been turned over by a steward revealing 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners.  Good luck -hopefully you will be one of these lucky winners.  Each win is translated into points and there is a large collection of trophies for entrants with highest number of points in various categories.  The prize giving will be held at the end of the afternoon.  There are individual monetary prizes for the children's classes.  


There will be stewards to help in the morning if you have any queries or need help on what to do.




General Tips

Judges look for good quality specimens free from blemishes, imperfections, etc.  Where more than one flower or vegetable is displayed, each specimen should be of high quality and the collection should be uniform in size and shape.  Two medium sized courgettes are better than one large paired with a smaller specimen, for example.  Where a number or weight is specified, exhibits not meeting the requirements will be disqualified.  Generally, the quality of the flower or vegetable outweighs the overall presentation of the exhibit.



Class 1 

1. Class 1 is a collection of a maximum of 5 home grown vegetables arranged for effect in a container.  The collection can include salad vegetables

​2. Each individual type of vegetable will be judged separately.

3. The vegetables should be displayed for effect within an area measuring 45 cm x 60 cm (18 in x 24 in).

4. Parsley is permitted for garnishing but no other foliage or accessories will be allowed.

5. Notes:

¨ Carrots and parsnips must have foliage .

¨ Peas and beans must be displayed with some stalk attached.

¨ Tomatoes must be displayed with calyces.



Class 23- Any two of the same vegetable not named above

If you grow a vegetable that is not covered by any of the other vegetable classes, this is your opportunity to display two of your finest specimens.  As it is very difficult to rate a chilli against a squash, for example, this class will not attract 1st, 2nd and 3rd.  Instead high quality exhibits will be rewarded with ‘Commendable’.  This may be awarded to every vegetable type.  Remember, you need to display two specimens and can only enter once.




Hortic class notes
Culinary class tips

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