On this page you can see all the classes for the 2024 Show.
Please also read the notes page and the rules to be sure your entry counts.
1 Collection of home grown vegetables (max. 5) arranged for effect in a container. (See notes)
2 Five tomatoes
3 Five onions, as grown from sets (not dressed)
4 Five white potatoes
5 Five red potatoes
6 Three beetroot with foliage
7 Three parsnips with foliage
8 Three carrots with foliage
9 Six pods of runner beans
10 Six pods of peas
11 Five cherry tomatoes
12 Three blanche leeks
13 Nine shallots, any variety
14 Comic – shaped root vegetable
15 Two standard cucumbers
16 Two mini cucumbers
17 Two cabbages
18 Two lettuces
19 Longest runner bean
20 Five pods of French beans
21 Collection of five kinds of culinary herbs (named)
22 Three courgettes
23 Any two of the same vegetable not named above (see notes)
24 Basket of four fruit, grown by exhibitor
25 Five cooking or dessert apples
26 Ten raspberries
27 Three sticks of rhubarb
28 Any two of the same fruit not named above
29 One specimen rose (named)
30 Five cut roses
31 One stem floribunda rose
32 Seven sweet peas
33 One vase mixed annuals
34 Vase of herbaceous perennials (distinct kinds, three stems per vase)
35 One flowering fuchsia in a pot
36 One flowering plant in a in pot (not fuchsia)
37 Cactus or succulent, single or a collection
38 Novice class "have a go" garden flowers in a jam jar
39 Vase of three blooms (same variety)
40 Vase of five blooms of same colour (varieties can differ)
41 A tied bunch of lavender
42 Five fuchsia heads
43 Mixed class - one specimen flower plus one specimen vegetable
44 One vase of three decorative dahlias
45 One vase of three pom pom dahlias
46 One vase of three cactus dahlias
47 One specimen stem, any variety
48 A collection of hosta leaves min. of 3 different varieties
49 One clematis bloom on a saucer, any variety
Measurements refer to width and depth. Height can be unlimited.
50 An arrangement of home grown flowers, displayed for all round effect with own foliage. Not to exceed 75 cm x 75 cm (30 in x 30 in)
51 An arrangement of flowers and/or fruit to mark and occasion. Not to exceed 45cm x 45cm (18in x 18in). Flowers or fruit may be purchased
All natural plant material used in the following classes (52 & 53) must have been grown by the exhibitor
52 An all green arrangement. Not to exceed 45 cm x 45 cm (18in x 18in)
53 A petite arrangement. Not to exceed 15 cm x 15 cm (6in x 6in)
54 Men only - A floral arrangement in an unusual container. Not to exceed 45 cm x 45 cm (18in x 18in)
55 A jar of marmalade
56 A jar of any other jam
57 A jar of chutney
58 A small jar of jelly savoury or sweet
59 A fruit pie with pastry base and lid
60 Two roast vegetable tartlets, not to exceed 4” each—no egg
61 Lemon drizzle cake
62 A traditional Victoria sponge (see notes)
63 Four chocolate brownies
64 An edible gift, displayed in suitable gift packaging - own recipe (list of ingredients, no meat)
65 A hand-made loaf of bread, any recipe
66​ Men only - Your favourite cake
67 Six fresh laid hen’s eggs—same variety
68 Six fresh laid eggs—mixed
69 A named alcoholic beverage - with list of ingredients
70 A jar of honey
All exhibits in this section need to have been produced within the last 12 months
71 An original painting in any medium
72 A pencil drawing
73 A photograph(s), any size, framed and ready for display - to be judged on content and display
74 Any black and white photograph
75 A photograph to depict a celebration
76 Any photograph
Classes 74-76 photographs should be no more than 18 cm x 13 cm (7 in x 5 in) and unframed.
All exhibits in this section need to have been made within the last 12 months
77 A hand knitted item
78 A hand crocheted item
79 A cross stitch or tapestry item
80 A hand made sewn item
81 A hand made item of wood or metal
82 A home made toy
83 A home made card
84 Something new from something old
85 A bug hotel
86 A photograph of an animal you have taken
87 A free style Lego model
88 A decorated paper plate
89 A bug hotel
90 A photograph of an animal you have taken
91 A free style Lego model
92 A plate of 4 rocky road slices (on a paper plate covered in cling film)
93 A vegetable or fruit monster on a tray
94 A warm, hat, scarf or gloves. All entries to be donated to LWS Night Shelter